Vegan Fashion: Handbags

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My family and friends will tell you that I have an obsession when it comes to handbags. I have to many that I have to store them in containers. At this point I think I have about 50+ bags. Over the years I have donated and thrown away bags. If not, I would be in the hundreds.

So, when I made the decision to become vegan the first thing I googled were vegan handbag. I wanted to see what out there in the vegan community. I’m happy to say that I’m no disappointed.

So, I thought I’d share some of the vegan handbags I found. This is essentially my wish list. Now, I’m asking myself, should I throw out or donate my non-vegan bags? What do you guys think I should do?

Free People

Free People offer a beautiful array of handbags. These are the four that really speak to me. What I love about their bags is that they are crafted beautifully and multiple color options. There handbag collections range from $18-$88. There’s a handbag for everyone’s budget. If you are a first time subscriber they will email you a link for free shipping. I suggest you take them up on that offer and stock up. That’s my plan.

Vegan Chic

Now, if you pockets allow for a bigger budget then check these handbags out. I’m not above spending some coins on a good purse. When i spend a nice amount on a handbag I just  wear it for special outings. I don’t use them as everyday bags. What I also like about Vegan Chic is the fact that their bags are from multiple designers. Which makes it a lot easier to research and discover new vegan handbag lines.


Now, I love myself some fun and corky handbags. I’m of the mind set that not every bag needs to so serious and “adult” like. I can’t imagine all my bags being plain or completely devoid of whimsical humor. That’s why I really love Cykochik’s bags. They are adorable. You’re going to have to get your wallets ready for these purchases (in some cases) but its worth it. When a brand takes a stand to provide quality products without harming animals, its priceless.


I am madly and deeply in love with these handbags. Like, I would be ALMOST willing to spend my whole paycheck on these bags. They are stunning and magical and everything that it beautiful in the world.


4 thoughts on “Vegan Fashion: Handbags

  1. In answer to the question of ridding yourself of your non-vegan bags. No. Do not get rid of them. You made the purchases before you went vegan. Right? Keep them. Now. With all due respect to veganism. I think the vegan diet is incredibly healthy–and if I didn’t love a nice red steak or a nice plate of escargot I could make the switch. But–it’s the labeling that bothers me. It’s akin to “organic”. Food companies and grocery stores sometimes take advantage of the word “organic” and abuse it. That’s why I read labels. It’s the same with “vegan” non-food products, like handbags, shoes, and accessories. It is ain’t leather, then it’s plastic or some other man-made material. The “vegan” label only allows for companies to raise the price point up on cheap goods. I think fair trade items are more important! Anyway, nice blog. Best of luck. As an ex-Manhattanite who is unable to move back due to the greediness of real estate developers, I’m jelly of you for still being able to live there! XOXOXO!


    1. I’m newly vegan and learning the ins and outs of buying products! I’m trying to make better choices for myself, animals, and environment. I turned vegan because of humane and compassionate reasons. If I say I don’t miss chicken cutlets or a well done New York strip, I’d be lying. But I couldn’t mentally justify my love of animals and the consumption of their flesh. I 100% agree that companies take advantage of labels to jack up prices. It’s sad that these companies would want to take advantage of people. I don’t have any knowledge about fair trade item. If you post some links is love to read up on it. I always make to be informed and empowered to make better decisions.

      And Manhattan is obnoxiously expensive. And although I’m madly in love with this city, I know my life won’t always be here.


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